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Scottsdale Unites Staff Writer

P.E. Curriculum is No Longer About Physical Activity

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Perhaps you still believe that your child's P.E. class is for engaging kids in actual physical activity. Silly parent.

P.E. is now about emotions, "inclusivity," and your child's exploration of their always-changing identity. If you find this information disturbing, read on.

In this post, we’ll review the two supplemental curriculum resources that Scottsdale Unified School District has approved for Physical Education: Everfi and Quaver Health. We’ll demonstrate how “whole child,” transgender policies, socialist global thinking, social emotional learning, and “socially responsible” investing guidance are being pushed into SUSD K-12 education under the guise of Physical Education curriculum.

Before we dive into the curriculum review, take two minutes to watch this video of an actual PE class at Scottsdale Unified in which the teacher asks elementary school kids to identify the feelings of their classmates and then explain how to emotionally support them:

APPROVED P.E. CURRICULUM #1 QUAVER HEALTH Quaver Health claims to provide an “innovative, school-wide approach to health skills instruction and physical education” that take into account “children’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth.” Quaver Health is intended for use by PE teachers and health care specialists, such as a school nurse or counselor.

Quaver Health has customized its curriculum based on 100% alignment with the SHAPE national standards and “Whole Child Wellness.” Let’s look at the national SHAPE standards that are influencing Scottsdale Unified’s approved P.E. curriculum.

A quick search for Shape national standards reveals the company’s main areas of focus, which includes affirmative support for gender-confused youth.

Shape America’s national standards encourage educators to “rethink our understanding of gender as always being consistent with sex assigned at birth.” Shape America promotes GLSEN as a preeminent source of information. GLSEN is the foundation of the controversial Genders Sexuality Alliance clubs found in several Scottsdale Unified middle and high schools. GLSEN’s website offers children a “quick escape” option so that they can more easily hide their online sexual research from parents.

Shape America also uses recently invented progressive non-sense terms, such as "cisgender."

The Shape America standards, which Scottsdale Unified has adopted via the Quaver Health curriculum, recommends that sports participation be based on a child’s “self-affirmed gender identity.”

For students in grades 9-12, Shape America offers the confusing advice to: “make sex-separate activities available to all students according to their self-affirmed gender identity.” Or said another way, Shape America standards ask schools to prioritize the feelings of boys-who-imagine-they-are-girls over the rights of biological girls.

APPROVED SUPPLEMENTAL P.E. CURRICULUM #2 EVERFI FROM BLACKBAUD While Everfi offers “Health & Wellness” lessons, the company’s curriculum is much broader, with a heavy focus on financial education. Everfi also offers “character education” lessons. Everfi encourages educators to adopt a “whole child” mindset, which shifts the focus of education away from academics and toward other aspects of a child’s mental well-being.

Let’s look at the lessons Everfi offers to Scottsdale Unified teachers.

1) Everfi encourages students to have an obsessive relationship with themselves, constantly focusing on “me” and reevaluating their "social identities."

2) Everfi encourages children to think like socialist “global citizens.”

3) Everfi offers history lessons.

4) Everfi’s apparent main focus, however, is on shaping children’s investment strategies based on CASEL's Social Emotional Learning standards (more on CASEL later).

5) Everfi promotes that companies who utilize ESG criteria "have the upper hand" and that "savvy" investors "look beyond the bottom line" when deciding which companies to invest in. (We suspect the Everfi team has not read Atlas Shrugged.)

6) Everfi emphasizes that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is about promoting sexual topics to children.

Now back to CASEL, the foundation of all Social Emotional Learning programs, and the stated standards which Everfi is using to develop curriculum. Below are scenes from a CASEL webinar, in which CASEL members explain that SEL is a tool for anti-racism and fighting injustice.

If this is the supplemental curriculum that Scottsdale Unified has approved for Physical Education classes, imagine what is being hidden in other classes.


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